Printing Guide

Please see below guidelines on printing Happy Mail Studios printable planner inserts. Unless otherwise stated, our printables will be provided as a PDF file and are to be printed on A4 or US Letter size paper.

For the best results and alignment, we recommend printing multiple copies on 1 side of the paper first, then reloading the printed copies into the printer to print on the unprinted side.


Step by Step Guide

  1. Open your PDF file with Adobe Acrobat Reader
  2. Select File > Print...
  3. Under Pages to Print, if the PDF file has:
    • 1 page, then leave the default option 'All'
    • 2 pages, then either select 'All' or 'Current', depending on which method you would prefer. If selecting 'Current' you will need to print the odd pages first, followed by the even pages
  4.  Under Page Sizes & Handling, select 'Size' and set the 'Custom Scale' to 100%
  5. Under Orientation, select 'Auto'
  6. Your printer settings window should look like the below: -
  7. To ensure you have the best print quality, click on the Printer... button on the bottom left of the window. Update the settings to the highest print quality for your printer paper.
    Note: Each printer will have different settings and options available.